Enchantment of Borneo: "Wonders of the World" at Balikpapan Bay

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto Friday, 16 July 2010 0 komentar
East Kalimantan province has been known to have a number of conservation areas with exceptional biodiversity.
Call it the Kayan Mentarang National Park is the largest in Indonesia, reaching 1.2 million hectares, with tropical forest biodiversity for ecosystem plateau comprehensive on the island of Borneo.

Approximately 60 percent of its territory located in Malinau Regency and the rest. Pillage and smuggling activities threatening the region's timber for direct border with Sabah and Sarawak, East Malaysia.

This region not only become important for ecologists, but also of science, particularly in history and archeology, because in some areas found hominid sites including "lungun" bertangkup coffin stone or like a boat.

In East Kalimantan also have Elephant Hill conservation area is based on research primatologist Berau recently showed its strategic region, namely a habitat that has a population of orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) than most of Kutai National Park (KNP).

In all areas in East Kalimantan (14 districts and cities) there are a number of conservation areas, each with its own uniqueness. Unfortunately, the average damage is severe. One example is the case that struck KNP, when the region was mentioned as the "last bastion" of lowland wet tropical forest in East Kalimantan.

Of the total area of KNP which reached 198 000 hectares, it remains widespread due to various cases, among others, catastrophic forest fires and forest land as well as looting and illegal land clearing, causing the existing natural reserves since the Sultanate of Kutai was now only 4,500 hectares.

In the midst of pessimism toward conservation efforts in East Kalimantan, one factor is the impression of throwing each other of responsibility between local government and the central government, a foreign researcher revealed remarkable biodiversity in Balikpapan Bay.

Stanislav Lhota described the uniqueness, scientists from the Department of Zoology University of South Bohemia, the Republic of Chechnya, it was like a curtain in front of the eye revealed that there are conservation areas near urban areas, but like oblivion.

Bay Area is located just a few miles from the center of the city of Balikpapan, unlike the average in other regions of the conservation area in East Kalimantan which is usually far from the city center.

Stanislav Lhota revealed, conservation of nature in Balikpapan Bay is very strategic because it is still found in dugongs (dugon dugon), whereas there was public perception that marine mammals that are extinct in the area south of East Kalimantan.

"We dugongs in the Gulf of Balikpapan in threatened condition. The main threat is the loss of seagrass which is the main feed mermaids. Seagrass disappeared because of sedimentation and chemical pollution," he said.

He said the actual existence of the most endangered marine animals in Indonesia, Balikpapan Bay is known in some tahum ago by scientists.

"In 1996 has been proposed that the dugong has been extinct in Kalimantan. But four years later, in 2000, rediscovered by Constellation Foundation (Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia) in Balikpapan Bay," he said.

Dugongs are the main threat to sustainability is the loss of seagrass beds in Balikpapan Bay allegedly caused by sedimentation and chemical pollution. One source is palm oil plantation company, PT Agro Indomas in Sub Pemaluan and Sepaku, North Paser Penajam District.

Oil companies have been planted along the coasts and banks of rivers and creeks that are prohibited by law.

Dolphin and proboscis monkey
Balikpapan Bay Lhota assess sustainability is important since it contains a "magic world", ie not only are there Dugongs, but also suggested to the Mahakam and become an important area for the proboscis monkey, the rare primates in the world.

It is thought Pesut Mahakam been found only in three parts of the world, namely the Mahakam River, Irawady River and Mekong River. This previously unknown animals living in freshwater ecosystems (rivers).

It turns out, is also found in the Mahakam Dolphin Bay, but with salt water ecosystems (sea). Endangered species that became mascot Kaltim it was also later found in Sungai Malinau (East Kalimantan).

Dolphin population at around 60-140 tail Balikpapan Bay. Tempadung estuary is a habitat which is very important to the Irrawaddy, a local search and migration of fish.

Not much different than that of dugongs, Mahakam Dolphin Bay threatened in both
by fishermen, the activity of the company ships, and port construction activities for coal companies and gas companies drilling pipe.

Drilling Oil and Gas pipeline is expected to cause permanent damage to the Irrawaddy ear. In fact, this sense is useful in determining the location in search of food.

"Suggested to locate and capture fish by echolocation (sonar) and, if their ears are damaged, they can not find food. Activities of drilling pipe is very dangerous for the Irrawaddy Dolphin," he said

Translated from : http://travel.kompas.com/read/2010/07/16/06312886/.quot.Keajaiban.Dunia.quot..di.Teluk.Balikpapan
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Judul: Enchantment of Borneo: "Wonders of the World" at Balikpapan Bay
Ditulis oleh Lambang Insiwarifianto
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